This week of study was refreshing, encouraging, and a wonderful reminder for me on battling with strongholds. The focus was in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;"
When I was coming out of 2 very difficult strongholds this was a section of Scripture that I kept before me when I was battling with truth. I found my struggles were from within my mind and that is how I was being attacked the hardest.
As I worked through this week's lessons Beth Moore reminded me how the Lord helped me to overcome and it was by the truth of His precious Word. I was believing so many lies that I had stored up in my mind that as I replaced those lies with truth the Lord gave me the strength to walk in His truth. Please do not take me wrong, I still struggle but over the last 4 years it has been limited to my mind. When I am struggling I start filtering my thoughts with the Word of God and so far I have found the strength to walk out my struggles faithfully with Christ.
It is interesting how the Lord had me in this chapter this week following the Mother/Daughter Retreat and waiting to see if Sheila was willing to help me organize the Retreat I shared with yall about a couple of posts ago. Sheila has thankfully agreed to help me throughout this whole process of getting this Retreat planned out and even after. One of my fears/concerns is that I will fall back into my strongholds at some point in this process. She is just going to be an accountability partner before, during and after the camp to help me walk through it successfully and be there for me if I happen to falter along the way. My prayer is that I will rely on God's Word and keep my focus through this process because I know that the Lord is strong and mighty and can help me to walk through this faithfully.
After this weeks lessons I felt refreshed and reminded that His Word breaths truth. Over the next 6+ months I am going to be making up some 3x5 note cards of verses that I have relied on to keep truth in my mind and keep them with me so that if struggles come I will have my note cards there in hand so that I can meditate on Him and His Word instead of on the lies that I tend to think and that Satan desires me to believe. Please keep this concern in your prayers for me as you think about it. I truly want to be a vessel that walks faithful even when it is very difficult.
8 hours ago
Dena, I am so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteMe too!! Love,Wendy