Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family Visit to Sacramento-Tether Ball, Vollyball, and Soccer

After dinner with the family my Grandma and Aunts headed back to the Snyder area because my 2 Aunts lead the music at the Churches they go to. The rest of my family came back to camp and we spent some time playing games on camp. We played Tether ball to start out and it felt good to beat my sister (who is older) at it. :) She always beat me at everything growing up and so it was fun to play her game after game and win. :) She did come close once but I still won.

Later we played Volleyball of which I am not very good at all!

I think I spent more time chasing the ball then hitting the ball. :)

Even Baby Wade played ball. :)

We had a youth group on camp that weekend and

a couple of the boys took out time with my oldest Nephew Luke and

my youngest Niece Kate and kicked a soccer ball around with them

and tried to teach them how to play.

It was so encouraging to watch them work with the kids and do so well with them.


  1. I did not know I was playing against the Elementary Play Ground Tetherball Champion until afterwards. I am glad you won. It was fun playing even if I lost every time.

  2. sorry Alanna I wasn't sure if I still had it in me to be honest with you. :) That was a very long time ago! :)
