On August 3rd summer officially came to an end for us at Ceta Canyon. This has been a rough summer but the Lord helped us through all the struggles and is doing great things. I have grown in ways I never planned particularly in leadership and have learned and experienced so much.
With the end of summer came my roommate and friend Kelsey moving out. It has been an adjustment not having her here. Her and I get along so well and I miss her so much. I still have my other roommate Julianna here. Her and I aren't too close but the Lord has been teaching me so much about myself and how I handle people who remind me of me. Please pray for me a I desire to grow in compassion and sympathy towards others as well as patience. She is from Romania and their customs and ours are different from each other. She has also been through so much in her life and is very closed off to people. I need to remember that love is patient and learn to grow in that love. Pray for her as she is going through a struggling time because with summer ending the groups too have slowed down dramatically and therefore her hours have been cut back too. She came here from Maryland and is desiring to return there but needs airfare and a job before going back. Her airfare will come together but she is concerned about finding a job. Please pray for her job hunt that the Lord would provide the perfect one for her.
Also with summer coming to an end I am finally able to refocus on the LifeSong retreat that my friend Sheila and I are working on together for November 6-8. The Lord has been giving me ideas right and left and now it is getting time for me to organize and figure it all out. Please keep in prayer that people will come and that the Lord would provide the small group leaders needed.
Question for all of you who are musically inclined. I am trying to get a handle on what dissonance and harmony really mean so I can tie in what I am teaching about into it. Can any of you give me a description that could help me understand the definition a bit better?
Well I hope this finds all of you doing very well. I miss you all and hopefully I will be able to reconnect with all of you as time is freeing up and we are cleaning camp more and more. What would I ever do without cleaning in the off season? :)
9 hours ago
dissonance and harmony....... huh??? lol