Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving in Snyder

This Thanksgiving was a busy and eventful one. I had a lot of fun spending time with my family, watching all the children play, we had some family pictures done and I was able to visit and catch up with multiple people.

I left for Lubbock on Sunday afternoon. Monday I had a couple of doctor appointments there, spent time with friends, and got some errands completed. My roommate Juliana moved back home on Monday too. She made it home safely and seems to be doing well. On Monday evening I headed on to Snyder.

On Tuesday my mom and I went to Lubbock to have supper and watch the new movie that came out in 3-D "A Christmas Carol" and it was good. On the way home when we got on the country roads a deer jumped out and hit my Dad's car. I felt so bad about it. The Lord is so good though He protected us and kept us safe. It all happened so fast.

Due to the accident on Wednesday I got up early so we could deal with the insurance company and estimates. That afternoon we had family pictures done with Carol McCowen at my Grandma's house. It was a lot of fun. If you would like to see the blog of our session Carol's blog address is:

Thursday My sister came over in the morning on Thanksgiving Day and she took pictures of the pups and me for my Christmas cards and we tried to get pictures of my nieces and nephew at my Grandma's old lot that they used for the cattle.

On Friday morning I woke up early and went to Wal-Mart to take advantage of a wonderful deal on a fleece electric blanket. Dad and I went to the donut place (which was a daily thing for us from Tuesday till Friday). I then went back out to my Grandma's so the pups could have inside time for once. They spent a lot of time out in my Grandma's small dog run.

Saturday and Sunday we decided to rest and catch up on sleep and just relax. On Sunday the pups and I loaded up and came home. When we got home I had noticed it had snowed. It looks like it will be a good winter and hopefully we will be able to go sledding this year. :)

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